BlueCielo TeamWork 2012 Release Notes | BlueCielo ECM Solutions
Customization improvements
The following improvements have been made to the customization of TeamWork:
- In the BrcEvent_BeforeCreate event, if the current object is a folder, the Folder object refers to that folder. If the current object is a document, the Folder object refers to the parent folder of the current document.
- It is now possible to retrieve additional properties of a user using VBscript.
- When working with the VBScript editor it is now possible to save and load code to and from a file. When saving code to a file, the file name is automatically generated which includes the current date. Loading code from a file will completely replace the existing code in the editor.
- A VBScript method Document.GetLog() has been added.
- Using VBScript it is now possible to automatically select a document type for a newly created document when only one document type is available. This can be done using the constant AS_CONFIRM_SINGLEDOCTYPE.
- The order of the events that occur for the Change Document Type command have been adjusted:
- BeforeChangeDocumentType
- AfterChangeDocumentType
- BeforeNewDocument
- If a wizard has been enabled for the action it will appear at this point.
- AfterNewDocument
For additional information, see the BlueCielo TeamWork Developer's Guide and the BlueCielo TeamWork VBScript API Reference Guide.